Thursday, July 31, 2014

Delicious Healthy Wholemeal Bread

Bread, the simplest food that can be found in supermarkets, coffee shop and your home. However, how many of us have actually made bread before? The K1 and K2 took on the challenge!

Let's touch and feel our most important ingredient: bread flour and wholemeal flour.

Let's measure and pour the ingredients into our mixing bowl!

It's time to mix the ingredients! 

Don't forget yeast and water!

After mixing the ingredients, we left the batter to rest for a day.

The following day, the children saw how much the batter had raised. It became so sticky after a night rest!

With some flour in our hands, we mould the bread batter into different designs.

Yummy wholemeal bread is ready for the oven! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Rainbow Fruits

Hidden in all corners of the PN class, the children looked high and low for fruits and vegetables to make a rainbow.

Look at how happy they were when they found the treasures!

The children sorted their treasures according to the colours. They shared and took turns to look closely at these food: colour, texture and size.

After they have found the rainbow food, the children created their very own rainbow using shaving foam and paint.
The paint was puffy like the clouds in the sky!

Do sing the 'The Rainbow Song' with your child:

"Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow too."

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Dough Making

Play dough is known for its popularity among the children of all ages. Besides being an enjoyable activity, it allows children to work on their fine motor development, imagination and creativity, math and language skills too.

While exploring on the topic focus: apples, the Pre-Nursery children had the opportunity to create their own dough for sculpting purpose.

Recipe for no bake dough:
1 cup flour
3/8 cup salt
3/8 cup warm water
Food coloring (optional)

Why not make some dough together with your child to play over the weekends! It is really simple and easy! They will be engaged for a really long time with this activity too!