Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Wonder of Nature

Do all leaves have the same shape?
Why are there green and brown leaves?
Do leaves have different sizes?
Why are some leaves on the ground and mostly on the tree?
Ms. Cynthia was explaining about leaves and tree using the Montessori terminology puzzle.
The children got excited when they knew they were going for a nature hunt!

Join us for a nature hunt as we go for leaves discovery walk!
Children listened to Ms. Cynthia explanation and picked up fallen leaves. They also used the magnifying glass to have a closer look at some of the leaves. 
Once the children have collected enough fallen leaves, they returned to class. 

The children took a closer look at the fallen leaves and sorted out the leaves into 3 categories - big leaves, small leaves and green leaves!

The children were also given the option to work with the puzzle once we were done with sorting the leaves.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Rainbow Fish

"The Rainbow Fish" is one of the famous children books that teaches the importance of sharing. The children learned that joy comes from giving; the more we give, the more we gain.

The children created their very own rainbow fish using their palm.

The K1s used different types of lines to decorate their fish. 

Next, the children added every shades of blue, green, yellow, purple and red.

Lastly, the K1s cut the fish and wrote their friends' names at the back of the fish.

The children went around to ask for the spelling of their friends' names while some checked out the spelling from the "team leader and assistant leader" chart.

Aren't these fishes as beautiful as the rainbow fish?

Monday, June 2, 2014

Let's grow a plant in Humpty Dumpty!

We have been talking so much about plants in the month of May. Let's set to work in planting one ourselves! 

Dig, dig, dig.
Scoop, scoop, scoop.
Fill, fill, fill.
Plant, plant, plant a seed.
Be careful! Don't crack the egg!

Now, sprinkle some water and it will grow, grow, grow!

How tall can the plant grow? Let's continue to water the plant and watch it grow!

Leaves, leaves, falling down...

This month, we learnt about plants. Plants are important in every aspect of our life. It gives us food and air. It prevents soil erosion and beautify our environment.

Therefore, we took our lesson outdoor to take a closer look at the plants in our neighbourhood and only fallen leaves are being brought back to the class for observation. 

Back in our class, we took a closer look at everyone's leaf collection: colours, veins, leaf blades, shapes and sizes.

Next, we set off to work individually with the leaves we have collected and made them into an art piece.

Can you tell what is this?

It's a butterfly! 

All of them have creatively created their own art pieces and wrote about their work :)