Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hi there Community Helpers!

Ms Polly has a dolly who was sick, sick, sick
So she calls for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick
The doctor came, with his bag, and his hat
and he knocks on the door with a rat- tat-tat

The doctor came and he shook his head
He told Ms Polly to go back to bed
He wrote on the paper for the pill, pill, pill
I'll be back in the morning for my bill, bill, bill

Children were introduced to the topic on community helpers. They explored the different types of community helpers, such as doctor, fire fighter, police officers, teachers, and many more. 
Children learnt that these community helpers are helpful, and they have an important role to play in the community. They helped to make the neighborhood a better place to stay in. 

Children had the opportunity to be a doctor and fire fighter for the day. They pretended to attend to "sick" patients, as well as try to "put out fire". Children had fun dramatizing being doctors and fire fighter. Take a look at them in their uniforms! :) 

Hurry hurry, fire fighter x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...
Hurry hurry spray the water x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...
Hurry hurry climb the ladder x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...
Hurry hurry save the baby x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...

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