Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hi there Community Helpers!

Ms Polly has a dolly who was sick, sick, sick
So she calls for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick
The doctor came, with his bag, and his hat
and he knocks on the door with a rat- tat-tat

The doctor came and he shook his head
He told Ms Polly to go back to bed
He wrote on the paper for the pill, pill, pill
I'll be back in the morning for my bill, bill, bill

Children were introduced to the topic on community helpers. They explored the different types of community helpers, such as doctor, fire fighter, police officers, teachers, and many more. 
Children learnt that these community helpers are helpful, and they have an important role to play in the community. They helped to make the neighborhood a better place to stay in. 

Children had the opportunity to be a doctor and fire fighter for the day. They pretended to attend to "sick" patients, as well as try to "put out fire". Children had fun dramatizing being doctors and fire fighter. Take a look at them in their uniforms! :) 

Hurry hurry, fire fighter x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...
Hurry hurry spray the water x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...
Hurry hurry climb the ladder x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...
Hurry hurry save the baby x3
Ting ting ting ting ting...

Band Aid!

I need band aid! Band Aid!

Put on our gloves and we are ready to start!

 Today, children had a lot of fun making their own 'Band Aid' with the given ingredients.
 They started off by flattening their bread.
Then they will fold and slice their bread and cheese into half before spreading the margarine on it. This help to create awareness of symmetry lines and practise on their fine motor skills. 

Next, they will spread the tomato sauce before baking!

Taa- Daa! Our Big Band Aid :)

What's for Montessori Cultural? - N2 March

Do you know what are the parts of a frog?

In Montessori cultural activity, children get to explore with individual activities  provided which helps child to acquire knowledge. For the month of March, they are learning about parts of a frog. In this activity, materials were displayed and questions were asked to let them share their prior knowledge before we share with them more about frogs.

 Then they will work together as a group to assemble the puzzle of a frog together!

As we all know, children enjoy and learn better when it is a fun activity. Picture cards and word cards were arranged in a line for them to read and recognize the words as they jump like a frog from one picture card to another.

After each of them get their chance to jump like a frog, they all start to write and colour the life cycle of a frog activity sheet. After which, every child get to work with the materials individually.

First, Janelle were to match the picture cards and word cards accordingly.

Then she assembled the frog jigsaw puzzle.
These are all the extended activity to strengthen children's understanding of what being shared during the discussion! 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Ka Mate! Ka Mate!

It is Passport Around the World again for Montessori Cultural! This time, they are travelling to the Australasia continent - New Zealand!  The children replicate the Ta moko, the permananent body and face marking for the Maoris by painting with black face paint. The children had a lot of fun exploring with lines such as spirals on their friends' faces. 

They also tried performing the Haka, a traditional ancestral war cry dance, or challenge from the Maori people of New Zealand.

The children had a great experience exploring other cultures through Passport Around the World activity.

Do reinforce with them at home and it definitely helps in widening their knowledge! 

The Maori K2 Warriors!

Kia ora tatou! (Hello everyone!πŸ‘‹) Tena koutou. (Greetings to you all.πŸ™) I'm sure everyone is wondering at this moment, what language I'm using.πŸ˜†Well, these are Maori greetings.πŸ˜ƒ

We are learning about πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§New Zealand for Passport around the world. We took this opportunity to do face-painting and arm-painting. The children had a fun time exploring the face painting and discussing with one another on how he/she will like to do it! It was great to see all the smiles and hearing all the laughters. We had a splendid time indeed!
Enzo, feeling more than a warrior!😜

Javier is painting Lucas' arm.🎨

Enzo is proudly showing off his body art to his peers and guiding them which paint brush to use.πŸ’ͺ

Javier is observing Enzo's arm as he paints Lucas.πŸ‘€

Enzo is having a fun time painting Keiran's arm.πŸ˜†

See Ching looks more like the female haka dancers.πŸ’ƒ

Lucas tries his best to draw the pattern. Good effort!πŸ’‘

See Ching, all done up!⚡

The children: KIA Ora tatou!
(Hello everyone!)πŸ—Ώ

The children: Kei te paid (Good)πŸ‘

Childhood is not a time for limitations. Childhood is a time for choices. As adults we need to remember to respect and allow children to make decisions. 

Face painting allows children to express their emotions and they experience lots of fun when they get themselves messy. Parents, you may try this at home too as this will promote family bonding. 

Have fun! 
Moari greetings: 
Hei konei ra. 
(See you later.) πŸ˜‰Haere Ra. 

Prepare Your Own Lunch Day

As a closure for our community building theme, children were given an opportunity to prepare their own lunch for the day. This activity allows children to experience how a chef works in a restaurant. Children prepared garlic toast, broccoli scrambled egg, and shredded chicken with dark sauce.

Children seemed to enjoy the process of spreading garlic spread on the baguette. They got to add in broccoli into the eggs and lastly, learnt how to shred a piece of chicken. The process helps in children's fine motor skills, as well as their eye-hand coordination. Now who says, cooking is not fun? Look at them!

They were very proud of their work, and finished their lunch. Yay! 

Parents can also engage in cookery session with your child over the weekends!