Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Let's make some chicky dee burger!!!

In collaboration with the theme, Farm Animals and Pets, the children have their monthly Cookery Session by making Chicky Dee Burger! The children get to learn to use a varierty of ingredients such as minced chicken, egg, oats, mixed vegetables, salt and pepper to make the burger patty.  It is a very interesting session for them.
We are all prepared for our cookery!
Eu Yi is having a fun time mixing the minced chicken with eggs.

Jing Xuan is stiring the egg with mixed vegetables.

Yee Ann is guiding her friends to flatten the patty.

Chrishaun is seen reshaping his patty.

I can fry egg too!

Well, this is how the rest of our chicky-dee burger patty looks like. Yum...Yum...Yum!
Children are independent learners and they are able to do simple chores by themselves.  Helping to prepare their own meal at home is a great way to be independent.  Get this simple recipe and have a healthy home-cooked yummy chicken burger.

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