Sunday, June 7, 2015

Do you want to build sandcastle?

Outdoor play is always something that the children looked forward to! 

It is also a time where they learn through play such as enhancing their social skills, numeracy like counting how many scoops to fill up the mould, using their senses to feel the sand and many other learning which is involved during sand play! 

Hmmm.... That container looks nice... Maybe I can ask my friend later.

Scoop, scoop, and keep scooping... And pour it out again.

"What do you have in there, Kiera?"

So engrossed in the pretend play cookery!
If it has been awhile since they last visited a beach with sand play, dear parents it's time to bring them soon! 

Through sensorial hands-on play, the children get to learn much more!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Let's fly parachutes!!!

The children are counting the number of styrofoams on the satay sticks.

Look at how focused they are trying to poke the styrofoams into the satay stick! It definitely enhances their eye-hand coordination and to stay focus.

Next, they learnt to thread the yarn through the hole on the plastic.

It's time to decorate the parachutes.

Look at how everyone stays engaged with their work!

Jing Xuan: Look at me!

Let's try it out! Play time!!

Monday, June 1, 2015


It is such a nice weather to have our waterplay!

Faith and Dorothy are taking a dip!

Everyone is busy!

Let's catch some fishes.

Zhi Yuan caught a fish! Well Done!

Sofia wants to take a dip too!

Time to pack up everyone!

Pack up....pack up...everybody pack up....
The PNs help to keep the waterplay materials before they leave for shower time.

Mummy and Daddy, do remember to bring my swim wear on every Friday so that I may play in the pool! 

However, if I'm unwell, I will not be able to be in the pool to avoid spreading germs.

   Importantly, let's try to go swimming weekly to play with water and at the same time strengthen up my gross motor skill!