Jing Xuan was keen to make a bungalow. She was seen happily talking to her friends as she chose her ingredients :-)
Kai Le was walking around the table, looking at all the ingredients and was deciding on what to choose.
Eu Yi was so proud that she assembled her food into a condominium and she mentioned that she lives in a condominium too.
Elysha chose to assemble a bungalow as she loves the swimming pool in the picture card.
Ern Yu wanted to assemble her food into a condominium as she mentioned she lives in a condominium.
Kai Le formed a HDB flat. He mentioned that he wouldn't want to waste food so he chose minimum number of food ingredients to form a HDB flat.
Jing Xuan formed a bungalow and could identify the shapes of the food ingredients.
Chloe spent time forming her HDB flat. She added raisins to represent the number of storeys in a flat. She also formed a playground.
Jovan had so much to share about the activities he does around his house and neighbourhood. He mentioned that he lives in a HDB flat and loves to play at the playground near his house. He formed a HDB flat and said the raisins on the bread are windows.
Children were seen talking and eating happily after their creation.