Monday, December 15, 2014

Nurturing Learning Disposition; Appreciation

Apart from gaining knowledge through thematic and Montessori learning, children also learnt about PRAISE (Perseverance, Reflectiveness, Appreciation, Inventiveness, Sense of wonder & curiosity, and Engagement.
In the month of November, children learnt about being appreciative. 
A few sets of painting (abstract work) were printed out and displayed randomly in the class.
Children were grouped of 2s or 3s and had to go around observing the artwork.
There children were in a vertical group (K1s & K2s) and they had to discuss about the artwork.

Children with a sense of appreciation recognise that everyone has different and unique qualities. They listen to the views of others and show respect for them.  

The children were engaged in discussing the details of the abstract artwork with each other. They were encouraged to speak their own view of the abstract art with their partners.

: Abstract art uses a visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.

Thereafter, children were assigned to do their own abstract art. Look at how busy they were! Once they were done, they showed their abstract artwork to their friends. Apart from appreciating each others' artwork, children also learnt that they have to be respectful when others were presenting their work.

These were some of the abstract artwork done by our young artists, the Kindergarten children!

Insects, Insects Everywhere!

Look at all the collections we have made after a walk around our neighbourhood! The dried leaves, twigs and some dried fruits. What are we going to do with all these you may wonder? 

We will like to take the opportunity to let children look for insects where they may have hands-on experience to catch or observe it! They have realized that insects are mainly found in places where there are soil and in dark quiet areas.

Look at what we have found! A live caterpillar! They were all very curious to take a look at how it moves.

After that, they all had to draw whIch insect they will like to create with the things that they have picked earlier. It is through planning before they decide what should be use for the 3 body parts of the insects and other details if they will like to add on.

Let's go for another insect hunt! We may spend some time with the nature and enjoy it's beauty!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Anthill Jelly Popsicle!

Have you ever seen how an Anthill looks like? 
Well, the children are going to make one and show you now! 

Ingredients required:
Konniyaku jelly
Brown food colouring
Wholemeal biscuits
Gummy worms (optional)

After the water is boiled, place the jelly and mixed it with brown food colouring. With carefulness, the children are allowed to pour it into the popsicle holder. It definitely helps in their fine motor skill by balancing the jug and aiming it well while pouring it.

Before preparing the mixture of jelly, the children shall do some pounding of the biscuits into small crumbs so that it could be added to create the 'soil effect'. Through this activity, they learnt that from a round piece of biscuit, the shape could be changed with the strength of their hands by pounding it.

Look at how focused they are! Pound, pound, pound, pound, pound and pound!

Let me taste the biscuit crumbs! I couldn't wait! Yummy yummy!

Let us add the ants and a few worms to accompany them.

Once ready, it is placed in the fridge to harden it. Finally, it's the time that they have been waiting for! 

Let's enjoy our Anthill like an ice-cream!

Like to try some Daddy and Mummy? We can try making it with round or any other shapes of food containers too!